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Marcel Breuer Doctoral School of Architecture
University of Pécs
Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology

South Slavic dance workshop led by the Glasov Orchestra


26 October from 21:00 pm
At the Nappali Café (7621 Pécs, Király street 23-25.)


The orchestra was founded in summer 2019 by young people from Mohács. They are permanent companions of the Mohácsi Šokci Book club's Folk Dance group, and they also host monthly Šokci dance workshops. Their repertoire includes Croatian and Serbian tunes, but they are no strangers to Hungarian music either. 


Zsanett Horváth - flute, saxophone, recorder
Bubreg Damir - accordion
Filákovity Mirko - drums, accordion
Márk Kollár - tambura-bass
Máté Kollár - tambura-viola
Miklós Kovácsevics - tambura
István Nikolics - bisernica-tambura
György Prókai - accordion

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