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Marcel Breuer Doctoral School of Architecture
University of Pécs
Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology

Opening Ceremony


Dear Students,

We are pleased to welcome you to the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.  We will open the academic year 2023/2024 with a festive  ceremony - a significant event for all first-year students.

The opening ceremony will be held on the 4th of September 2023 at 9 am on the open-air terrace in front of the main building entrance (in case of bad weather in Lecture Hall A010) at the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology (MIK), University of Pécs (PTE); Boszorkány Str. 2, Pécs.

First-year students take the oath of allegiance at the Opening Ceremony.

Text of the oath of allegiance (indentations marked |):

I, .............. swear | that I accept and abide by the provisions of the Fundamental Law of Hungary, | the constitutionally enacted legislation | and the regulations of the Senate of the University of Pécs. | I will respect the traditions of the University | and will conduct myself as a responsible university citizen during my studies. | I will make every effort to fulfil | my academic and examination obligations to the best of my ability. | With the knowledge I have acquired, | I wish to serve humanity and my country, | through the advancement of technical, economic and social progress. |

You intend to become „engineers” and as in case of every profession, it has its own formal rules. Preparing for a professional life, learning desirable manners and appearance is also part of the „training program” so your are kindly asked to dress for the occasion. You need to be registered to participate in the event, it is not possible to register at the venue, registration deadline: 30 August 2023. There will be no educational activities for first year students on this day.

We look forward to welcoming you!

Prof. Gabriella Medvegy