University of Pécs logo UP Feit
Marcel Breuer Doctoral School of Architecture
University of Pécs
Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology

English Stand-Up Comedy Showcase + Open Mic


Hot Paprika Comedy and Trafik are excited to brings back English Stand-Up Comedy showcase to Pécs on the 11th of October!


Location: Pécs, Perczel Miklós u. 22, 7621
7:30 PM to 9:30 PM

We will not allow anyone to enter after the showtime starts!

Online Price: 2500 HUF
Online Student Price: 2000 HUF
Door Price : 2500 HUF (Cash Only)

We have a few open mic spots for Pécs locals, if you have a funny story to share with us, we would love to have you on our show! If you think you have good jokes, a funny song or a fun mime, sign up on the post in the event description!
Please text the page @hotpaprikacomedy or write us an email to for more details.

All we demand from you is to bring your smiley faces and good moods and to have a great fun night with us.