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Marcel Breuer Doctoral School of Architecture
University of Pécs
Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology

Activities and functioning of international organisations


Activities and functioning of international organisations

Presentations in Hungarian and in English! 

Date: 27 March, 2024 at 16:20-17:50

Location: Faculty of Law, Building "A", 2nd floor, József Holub Lecture Hall


Lecture on the role of the United Nations (UN), general information on international organisations in Budapest

Presentation on the activities of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) Service Centres in Budapest

Speakers from the IFRC GSC: Evangelia Trikili, Regional HR Manager and Györgyi Tolnai Senior Associate (Advisory Services)
Presentation entitled: Overview of IFRC, the Regional Office for Europe and the Global Service Center and possible career opportunities for interested students and graduates. (in English)


Speakers from FAO SSC: Judit Földi, Communications and Information Officer and Adrienn Budai, HR Officer
Presentation title: FAO Shared Services Centre - Jobs with a heart (in Hungarian)

Presenter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade: Dr. Gergő Kocsis, Head of Division, UN Department - Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Presentation entitled: The UN and International Organisations in Hungary (in Hungarian)