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Műszaki és Informatikai Kar

Exam period information - 2020/2021 academic year, fall semester

Dear Students,

We would like to call your attention that our exam period is open between 21st of December to 8th of January 2021 for graduating students and it will be open between from  21st of December to 22nd January 2021 for non-graduating students and also, please make sure all your grades are registered in Neptun by the end of January. If you leave the country before the exam period is over and you have an exam(s) left, please let the lecturer and the Registrar’s Office know about it.

  •  How to register for exams: 

Please, first check, if you don’t have any unpaid fee, and for the self-paid students please also check that your Training and Tuition Fee Payment Agreement is signed, otherwise you are unable to register for an exam and the lecturers are unable to sign grade. If Neptun Finances/Payment is clear and you still don’t have a grade, please remind the lecturer via email.

Training and Tuition Fee Payment Agreement  -You can find it in Neptun / Studies / Official notes) 

Payments unpaid fees :  You can find it in Neptun / Finances / Payment

Why is it important to register: Students can not start the exam in lack of providing his/her identity. The student’s other official documents may also be used as means of identification. The lecturer cannot test the student who has not registered for the exam and is not recorded on the exam sheet. (Code of Studies and Examinations 12 chapter Article 50 (3).

  • Registration time: The student shall register for the exam  24 hours prior to the specified exam time at the latest. The student shall have the opportunity to cancel or change registration for the exam date 36 hours prior to the exam time at the latest. (Code of Studies and Examinations 12 chapter Article 49 (5).

How many exams can you have/course/semester: Within the given exam period the student shall plan and put together his/her exam schedule – considering the specified exam days – in a manner to grant him/her the possibility to take the exam in the courses 3 times if necessary. (Code of Studies and Examinations 12 chapter Article 49 (5).

  • Not attending on an exam: If the student does not attend the registered exam and he does not exempt his/her absence by stating the well-grounded reason and verifies it on a request submitted to the Registrar’s Office which clearly identifies the exam within 8 days from the exam date, he/she has to pay the absence fee according to Appendix (1) of the Code of Charges and Benefits. (more Code of Studies and Examinations 12 chapter Article 49 (9).
  • Exam retake: Unsuccessful exams can be repeated twice during the given term of study. (Code of Studies and Examinations 12 chapter Article 53 (1). If the student takes an exam in the same curricular unit three or more times he/she is obliged to pay the fee stipulated by Annex 1. of the Code of Charges and Benefits for the third and every further exams. Code of Studies and Examinations 12 chapter Article 53 (7).

 Exam fees:

  • Not attending: Annex 1. Article 53 of the Code of Charges and Benefits: 2000 HUF / missed exam.

  • Retake: Code of Studies and Examinations 12 chapter Article 53 (7) and Annex 1. Article 53 of the Code of Charges and Benefits: 2500 HUF/ retake.

If a lecturer did not sign your grade in Neptun, it is the students’ right to complain about it within 14 days after the exam period closed.

Offered Grades: If you have an offered grade waiting for acceptance, a pop-up window let you know when you log in Neptun. But you can also check: Neptun- Subjects – Offered grade. It is the Lecturers’ decision, if they register offered grade in Neptun. In this case you hold responsibility to accept it or decline it within the exam period, otherwise it is suppose to be lost. The Registrar’s Office is not allowed to unlock closed exam period / semester. 

If during this period you travel back to your home country, where Neptun may not be available, please let the Registrar’s Office know via email within the exam period, also authorize us and specify the subject and grade you want to be accepted.