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Breuer Marcell Doktori Iskola
Pécsi Tudományegyetem
Műszaki és Informatikai Kar

Important dates and information for first year students regarding the fall semester of the academic year 2020/2021


Dear First Year Students, 


Congratulations to your successful admission and warm welcome to our Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology! 


In order to take subjects, you have to fill the ENROLMENT REQUEST (Administration menu  / Enrolment). After submitting the request, please bring it to the Registrar’s Office (B025).


Opening hours of the RO:

Monday & Wednesday: 8.30 – 11.30

Tuesday & Thursday: 13.00 – 15.00  

Course registration period starts on the 3rd of September 2020 through the Neptun system.

Step-by-step guides:

Enrolment: https://neptun.pte.hu/en/segedlet/enrol_register_semester

Course taking:  https://neptun.pte.hu/en/segedlet/register_courses_and_subjects 


Please also register for: Microsoft Teams, which is part of Microsoft Office 365, has been made available to students and teachers. For more information about using this system, click here: 


Please, send a scanned version of these documents to the Registrar’s Office via email.

  • passport
  • visa/residence permit
  • date of enter to Hungary
  • certificates of previous study results
  • admission letter
  • signed enrolment sheet 

If you contact the Registrar’s Office, always use your NEPTUN ID!


You can find important dates and deadlines in the semester calendar:



Kind regards, UP FEIT Registrar’s Office / Centre for International Programmes and Relations