University of Pécs logo UP Feit
Marcel Breuer Doctoral School of Architecture
University of Pécs
Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology

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  2. News

IX International Scientific Congress “Innovations 2023”

We inform you that the deadline for submission of applications for participation in the IX International Scientific Congress “Innovations 2023”, which will be held from 26 to 29 of June, 2023 in Varna, Bulgaria, was extended until 30.04.2023.


A more conscious present for a more sustainable future!

Cultural Puzzle Erasmus Blended Intensive Programme

The Cultural Puzzle Erasmus Blended Intensive Program led by associate professor Dr Tamás Molnár, was organized in the current semester by the Institute of Architecture of the University of Pécs Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology. Besides the UP-FEIT, the University of Applied Sciences and Arts FH Dortmund (FHDO) from Germany and the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University (JJSU) from Croatia participated in the international program with 8-8 3rd year students of architecture. 

Registry Office news

I would like to inform you that, in accordance with Joint Order No. 2/2022 of the Rector - Chancellor - President of the Clinical Centre

(available in Hungarian at:, work will be suspended between 24 December 2022 and 8 January 2023.

During the above period, the Registry Office will be unavailable, therefore e-mails received after 12:00 on 23 December 2022 will be answered after 8:00 on 9 January 2023 at the earliest.

Library opening hours from 5th of December 2022

Dear Readers!

The MIK Faculty Library will be temporarily closed from the 5th of December 2022. 

Borrowed books can be borrowed and returned in office B032 from Monday - to Thursday from 9 am to 2 pm.

Huawei Technologies SEEDs online training

Welcome to the 2022 Huawei Seeds for the Future Program from 7th – 14th November.


We are offering undergraduate and graduate students from all academic backgrounds the opportunity to join.