University of Pécs logo UP Feit
Marcel Breuer Doctoral School of Architecture
University of Pécs
Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology

  1. MIK
  2. News

Vaccination for foreign students

Dear International Students!

The Hungarian Government is offering vaccination to foreign citizens – without a national health insurance card - living in Hungary. The registration has started, which can be done at, free of charge. The order in which people are vaccinated is not determined by the order in which they register, but by their vulnerability to disease caused by the coronavirus.

Do not hesitate, register NOW and receive your vaccination card! Please also note, that vaccination is still voluntary but some services are subject to the vaccination card!

From the 1st of May, new rules apply:

  • A curfew between midnight and 5 am
  • Shops, services may be open till 11 pm
  • Mask wearing is mandatory in public places
  • Services open ONLY to people with vaccination card: cinema, theatre, library, gym, zoo, swimming pools, museums, sports events, hotels, restaurants (inner spaces)

Kind regards, 
Leadership of the Faculty

MSCI Virtual Open Day

Dear All,

We are organizing our Virtual Open Day at MSCI on the 6th of May at 4:00 PM. In the past years, MSCI organized open days every spring and fall. Participants will have an opportunity to hear from our colleagues, Office Head, and Executive Director of HR.

Attendees will have a chance to get to know the different departments and gain insights into the different career paths at MSCI. Our colleagues will be introducing their roles, what they like the most about working at MSCI, how our everyday life has changed since we switched to remote working.

If you have any questions to our colleagues about the company or their work, please send it to and they will answer them during the panel discussion. Participants will also have the opportunity to ask questions during the event via chat.

You can register at Eventbrite or using the QR code from the attached poster of the event.

If you have questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

Best Regards,

MSCI Open Day Organizers

Application for final examination

Dear Students!
From the SPRING semester of 2020/2021 academic year,  the application  for final examination is done through the NEPTUN system: (Neptun- Administration menu- Requests-  Available request forms ).

The name of the submitted form: MIK- Application for final examination form

Submission deadline : April 23, 2021.

We wish you a successful preparation!
Registrar's Office 

Hack4Health Erasmus+ Digital International Hackathon

We are excited to announce that the Hack4Health Erasmus+ Digital International Hackathon to be held April 16, 2021 on an interactive digital marketplace powered by and organized in collaboration with prestigious universities!

Application deadline: 9th April 2021

More info:

Stay tuned for inspiring benchmarks, application details and much more!

Validity of student card and temporary certificates

Dear Students!

The amendment of the 500/2020. (XI. 13.) in connection with the health emergency was promulgated on 12th February, 2021. On the basis of this provision, all students whose student card has been validated for the semester of 2019/2020. I or 2019/2020. II. or 2020/2021. I. shall continue to take advantage of travel discounts for 60 days after the end of the emergency.

CHANGE! Temporary certificates, which were made up on 4th November 2020. or after are valid for 60 days after the end of the emergency, regardless of the expiration date shown on the certificates.
The certificate will only be accepted in printed form, not in electronic form (eg. presented on a mobile phone).
We currently consider 21th July, 2021 as the 60th day after the end of the emergency.

Kind regards, 
UP FEIT Registrar's Office

Customer service of the Registrar's Office is suspended

Dear Students!

The personal customer service of the Registrar's Office is suspended until 28th of March. The administrative tasks are handled only electronically. 

Stay safe and kind regards! 

UP FEIT Registrar's Office

Information regarding COVID-19 vaccination for Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship holders

Dear Scholarship holders,

We would like to inform you about the possibility to register for the Covid-19 vaccine. As scholarship holders, you are entitled to receive the social security benefits provided by Hungary's national health insurance scheme, thus you can register for Covid vaccine on the following website:

Please note that injections are voluntary, so it is your decision whether you apply for the vaccine or not.

At the moment the website is only available in Hungarian language, so we advise you to ask the help of a Hungarian-speaking person in the registration process.