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Marcel Breuer Doctoral School of Architecture
University of Pécs
Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology

Dr. István Ervin Háber PhD
Dr. István Ervin Háber PhD
Senior Lecturer
Professional CV
Personal information:

Birth: Budapest, 1981.

Academic education:

University of Pécs, Faculty of Technical Sciences, information technology and technique, teacher (BSc, 1999 – 2004)

University of Veszprém, Faculty of Engineering Informatics, information technology (MSc, 2004 – 2006)

University of Pécs - Faculty of Engineering, environment engineer (BSc, 2003 – 2007)

University of Pécs – Faculty of Engineering, Energy Specialist Engineer (2013)

PhD at University of Gödöllő (SZIE), Doctors School of Technical Sciences, Faculty of Energetics, research field: Energetic circumstances of photovoltaic devices, (2016)


Extracurricular courses

Hospitality Manager (2003, Pécs)

Cisco NetAcademy (2004-2005, Veszprém)

OpenFoam CFD Base Course (2010, München)

HPC Course (2010, BH. Topping)



Hungarian (mother tongue)

Fluent English / Certificate: Cambridge FCE 2002

Fluent German / Certificate: Österreichisches Sprachdiplom – MittelStufe 2006


Professional experience

South Transdanubian Environment Protection and Water Management Directorate, Pécs, Hungary

05.2005 – 06.2005: traineeship, „Flood simulation of the Drava river”, field-work and making the maps with Autodesk Land Desktop



SimGrid Kft., Pécs, Hungary

07.01.2005 - 04.20.2006: CFD engineer, geometry modelling and surface meshing with different CAD systems (Autodesk Inventor, Catia V5, Hypermesh, ANSA), volume mesh generation in complex 2D and 3D systems for Fluent(Gambit,TGrid), simulations and post-processing with Fluent 6.x; Projects for PSA Group and Renault in passanger comfort and defrost simulations, and Motim Kft. heat exchanger design and evaluation



EDAG Engineering & Design AG., Robert Bosch Str. 7, Ingolstadt, Germany

04.23.2006 – 08.30.2007 : CFD engineer / project leader, responsible for preparing of all actual AUDI models for aerodynamic simulations (EXA PowerFlow) and for all other incoming CFD projects

leading of a small team in Hungary (3 – 4 persons)

projects: aerodynamic – A3, S3, A6, S6, R8

engine cooling – A3, S3, A6, S6, RS6, B8

other projects:

defrost optimization for GAZ

some more works for VISTEON


Zipernowsky Károly Technical High School, 48-as tér 2., Pécs, Hungary

09.01.2007 – 10.08.2008, informatics teacher

Topics of IT basics, programming, image manipulation, CAD basics and web design


University of Pécs, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Information Technology, Boszorkany u. 2.,Pécs, Hungary

Since 10.08.2008, Assistant Lecturer and since 07.01.2016 Proffessor Assistant

Instructor of the following courses:

Product design (Catia V5)

Linear control systems

Discrete systems

Data acquisition

3D technologies

Information visualization

IT Services Hungary Kft., Pécs

In 2012., German Proffessional Trainer


Renergy Consulting Kft., Pécs, Hungary

Since 2012., CEO

- Engineering service, product design, physics simulations (CFD, FEM), rapid prototyping

- Energy consultancy, architects advisory in renewables, passive ventillation and heat isolation

- Electrical and PV system design and implementation

- Innovative project advisory



Proffessional exchange programs

2003 – Erasmus – Universitaet Paderborn, Germany

2010 – Erasmus Techer's Mobility – Universitaet Burgenland, Austria

2011 – Erasmus Techer's Mobility – Josip Juraj University of Osijek, Croatia

2014 - Erasmus Techer's Mobility - Fachhochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt, Németország

2015 - Erasmus Techer's Mobility - Fachhochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt, Németország (30. Jahre Jubiläum)

2015 - University of Denver (USA), Guest teacher

Scientific and community activities

Associaton of Hungarian PhD and DLA Students, Kossuth L. tér 9. III/1., Budapest, Hungary

2008 – 2011 Delegated Member

2010 – 2011 Chair of the Engineering Comitee

Chamber of Commerce of Pecs and Baranya, Member since 2012

Hungarian Engineering Chamber, Registered since 2013, code: TÉ-02-51530

Hungarian Scientific Associaton for Transport, Member since 2016

International Solar Energy Society, Member since 2016

Chamber of Commerce of Pecs and Baranya, Innovation Board, Member

Awards, projects

2011 – PTE Innovation Award (1st place) for the ORCA prototype car

2012 – PTE Innovation Award (1st place) for the ORCA 2 fuel cell driven, high efficient, prototype car

2012 – PTE Innovation Day - special award from Regional Innovation Agency

2013 – Golden Pollack Coin (2/9/2013) „For Pollack Eco Team’s research and development and their results on Solar Race and Shell Eco Marathon"

Other Activities

2013 – Solar Race, Murcia (S), 1st place in fuel cell prototype category

2014 – Shell Eco Marathon, Rotterdam(NL); Best result with the 7th place over the 5 years (2011 - 2015) participating on the event, with 144km by 1kWh of energy (equivalent with ~2000km by 1 litre of gasoline)

2015 – Project Leader: Környezetiparhoz kapcsolódó innovatív transz- és interdiszciplináris kutatói team fejlesztése a PTE tudományos bázisán Azonosító szám: TÁMOP-4.2.2.D-15/1/Konv-2015-0015 - Gépészeti kutatócsoport vezető

2016 – Responsible for 3D Center project on Faculty of Engineereing, founded by GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00022 (3D nyomtatási és vizualizációs technológiákat alkalmazó interdiszciplináris kutatási, oktatási és fejlesztési központ kialakítása a Pécsi Tudományegyetemen)

2016 – Fund won in Hungarian Excellence Program (ÚNKP 16-4) for personal research activity

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